Individuals that think and behave constructively have higher life and workplace satisfaction and are more effective.
We help clients more clearly understand what is currently supporting and hindering their leadership effectiveness. We then guide and coach to develop more constructive styles of thinking and behaving.
Published research shows that constructive organizations measured against less effective leadership behaviour show improvements in:
- Motivation: +36%
- Inter-unit coordination: +26%
- Organizational quality: +29%
- External adaptability: +35%
We use The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI), based around the Human Synergistics Circumplex, describing Constructive, Passive/Defensive and Aggressive/Defensive behaviours. It provides for self-description and feedback from others.
We assess the behaviours of your leaders, run workshops to create awareness and we coach to improve. Want to know more? Contact niels@truebridges.com or call 0431199723